Monday 2 January 2012

11 month update

Sorry for bad got in the way and then christmas and then new year...

Its incredible how much Alva has developed this last month! Here is whats new:

1. Two teeth are growing!
2. She can crawl!!
3. She understands the idea of giving and taking
4. She can say "pa-pa"
5. She understands the following words: Klappa (clap hands), Vinka (wave hands), Lampa (lamp,points up at ceiling), Nej (No!) and my favourite: Puss (kiss and she kisses you on the mouth)

Nam nam nam

Monday 5 December 2011

Development update at 10 months

So our little monkey is now 10 months old (!!). She is finally through her (first) separation anxiety stage and now has no problem being on her own for a few minutes,happily playing with her toys. As I have now started to work, she now spends the day with mormor Anneli and I think they both enjoy eachothers company!

Some recent developments:

Can sit up on her own from lying
Can stand up straight for a few minutes (with assistance)
Can drink on her own
When you say "arme" (arms) she lifts her little arms up in the air and wants to be picked up
Her favourite past time is to empty the entire content of her play box or the lower shelves of the bookcases
Her first tooth is finally showing!!!


Monday 24 October 2011

Our new neighbourhood - part2


Our local playground Nytorget

Our new neighbourhood - part1

Our street

Oink oink. The park around the corner

Update - Stockholm

So we have been living in Stockholm for nearly two months now.
We are slowly getting in to every day life but its still a learning curve. Klaus is very happy at work which is wonderful to see. He is making good progress and I feel so proud of him!

Myself and Alva still take each week as it comes but we have started baby swim every thursday until 17th November. She loves it! Last week, she dived for the first time and of course it was no big deal for her. Its like she has done it a million times before! I cant help but feel a little bit proud.
We have also made two new friends. Daniela who has a girl called Julia (8 months) and Louise who has a boy called Julian (8 months as well). We see eachother a couple of times a week, go to the swings, have a fika (basically a coffee and a chat)and let the babies play.
Its so nice to have met two like minded women, who arent typical "yummy mummies". It gives us all the opportunity to spend time together and talk about things which arent just related to babies.
As you know, I was never going to be the stereotypical mum who forgets about life pre baby.

Alva is developing well although she still doesnt have teeth,cant crawl and cant walk. But she is making progress and Im sure its only a matter of time until one of the above will happen!
I will start work next Tuesday but only 3 days a week for the first month. I am so excited and it feels good to be starting something new. The first month, I will spend travelling to the different Acne stores around Scandinavia and also London. The as of December, I will be based in the office full time to start the buying process. I cant wait!
I will for sure miss Alva but I think its a good time for me to get back to work as the days can be quite long and lonely sometimes when you have to entertain her the whole day. I need to re charge my batteries. Its also good for her to get used to spending time with someone other than her parents, especially as she will start kindergarten in February. We have found one just opposite our office which we hope she will get in to!

Other than that, we are in the process of selling our flat in London. We have found a buyer so now we just need to cross our fingers that nothing unforeseen happens and that the sale goes through smoothly and quickly! We are very much looking forward to finding our own flat here in Stockholm and to make it our home. We miss HOME,so much.